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Ways to Prevent Bodily Injuries at Home


Practicing preventive measures is a sure way to thwart the possibility of injuries that can lead to broken bones and head injuries, for example. This can lead to missed opportunities and loss of hard-earned money.

Our home care services would like to help you sidestep bodily injuries with these wellness tips:

  • Eat a healthy diet.

    Eat colorful vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, some poultry and fish, and dairy products (like yogurt or cottage cheese) to get your daily fill of nutrients, such as vitamin D, calcium, and protein. If you have a loved one who is prone to falls due to poor diet, our home care in Columbus, Georgia, can provide meal prep and assistance to improve your loved one’s nutrition.

  • Improve your balance.

    Slow and purposeful exercises like tai chi and yoga are great exercises you can try to improve your balance. These practices can strengthen muscles, thus preventing fall risks.

  • Do body-weight exercises.

    Lifting small weights or doing body-weight exercises, such as planks or modified push-ups will build stronger bones and muscles. Make sure to stretch before and after your workout. Should you or a loved one need supervision during exercises like these, we can partner you with a trusted CNA.

  • Minimize fall hazards at home and work.

    Get rid of floor clutter and throw rugs, make sure hallways are well-lit, add grab bars and floor treads to slippery bathrooms, fix broken steps and loose carpeting, and wear shoes with nonslip soles on hard floors.

CAREvity LLC Private In-Home Supportive Care offers quality care services that guarantee a better and healthier life at home. We cater to clients young and old.

Call us for more details about our private in-home care in Georgia.

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